At Home Euthanasia

Saying goodbye to a family member is never easy. Temecula Valley Veterinary will be there to help in the comfort of your own home. We offer both pre-scheduled and emergency-based euthanasia services for your dog, horse, goat or sheep.

Cremation and aftercare options:

Private Cremation

  • Your pet will be privately cremated at a licensed crematory, selected by our team. We choose our crematory based on a number of top-quality attributes, most importantly, we would trust them with our own pets. You will be provided your pet’s ashes in an urn of your choice.

Communal Cremation

  • Your pet will be cremated alongside other beloved pets and their ashes will be scattered at sea by Oceans of Love.

  • Remains are provided to Oceans of Love and spread together as they are received.

    • An eco-friendly spreading of remains along with fresh seasonal flowers is performed.

    • The yacht's bell is rung 8 times to say one final farewell to your pet.

    • GPS coordinates can be provided of the exact date, time and location of where your pet’s ashes were spread.

Home Burial

  • If you elect to bury your pet at home, please make sure to check the local regulations in your area. Our veterinarians do not assist with burial preparations.

Large Animal Removal

  • We understand that the logistics of cremation or burial services for some of our farm animal family members are more difficult. We work with a local company that will pick up your pet.

With either cremation option, our team will lovingly transport your pet after they pass.

Our pet euthanasia services include:

  • Sedation will be given to your pet to ease discomfort. We want your final memory of your pet to be calm and comfortable. This injection of pain medication and sedatives will allow your pet to drift off to a peaceful sleep before the final injection is administered.

  • Transportation for cremation, if selected. See below for aftercare options.

  • We’re happy to discuss any concerns, thoughts, or questions you may have surrounding euthanasia.